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behavioral index

BEHAVIORAL INDEX The Predictive Index

Take our six-minute assessment and you'll receive a live read-back from a PI expert. You'll be provided with a report summarizing your natural management and influencing styles and will start to realize how the PI Behavioral Assessment™ can help you hire the best fitting candidates, manage people better, and ultimately increase the performance of your workforce.

So what are you waiting for? Find out your pattern. 


analytics reasoning

You're you a good problem solver? How well can you scrutinize a situation in order to break it down and solve the associated problems? Are you able to take a complicated issue and identify what is important and what information should be ignored? Analytical reasoning skills are important in both our personal and professional lives, as they are an essential part of solving the problems we encounter in our everyday life.t makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...


assertiveness testing

Do you stand up for yourself? Are you a human doormat? Do you say "yes" when you mean "no"? Do you keep your opinions to yourself for fear of upsetting or starting an argument with others? Find out if you stand up for yourself as much as you should with this test.


Assertiveness is the ability to formulate and communicate one's own thoughts, opinions and wishes in a clear, direct and non-aggressive way. This test determines whether a lack of assertiveness skills may be keeping you from fulfilling your potential and reaching your goals

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