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All About Me

This is your About page. This space is a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are, what you do and what your site has to offer. Your users are genuinely interested in learning more about you, so don’t be afraid to share personal anecdotes to create a more friendly quality.

Every website has a story, and your visitors want to hear yours. This space is a great opportunity to provide any personal details you want to share with your followers. Include interesting anecdotes and facts to keep readers engaged.


Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want site visitors to know. If you’re a business, talk about how you started and share your professional journey. Explain your core values, your commitment to customers and how you stand out from the crowd. Add a photo, gallery or video for even more engagement.




Free online anxiety test to rate your anxiety and others, including OCD, SAD, Depression, Stress, and more. Since anxiety disorder has become the number one mental illness in North America, you can use our free online quizzes to see what your scores are. 


behavioral index

BEHAVIORAL INDEX The Predictive Index

Take our six-minute assessment and you'll receive a live read-back from a PI expert. You'll be provided with a report summarizing your natural management and influencing styles and will start to realize how the PI Behavioral Assessment™ can help you hire the best fitting candidates, manage people better, and ultimately increase the performance of your workforce.

So what are you waiting for? Find out your pattern. 


h.c. career test


This test measures your interest level in the 6 categories of careers, as described by Dr. John Holland in his RIASEC model:

  • Realistic - Building, fixing, working outdoors

  • Investigative - Thinking, researching, experimenting

  • Artistic - Creating, designing, expressing

  • Social - Helping, teaching, encouraging

  • Enterprising - Persuading, leading, selling

  • Conventional - Organizing, categorizing, recording


ipip big-five factor

This is an interactive version of the IPIP Big-Five Factor Markers, a measure of the big five personality traits. 

Introduction: The big five personality traits are the best accepted and most commonly used model of personality in academic psychology. The big five come from the statistical study of responses to personality items. Using a technique called factor analysis researchers can look at the responses of people to hundreds of personality items and ask the question "what is the best was to summarize an individual?". 




  • Obtain your 4-letter type formula according to Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’ typology, along with the strengths of preferences and the description of your personality type

  • Discover careers and occupations most suitable for your personality type along with examples of educational institutions where you can get a relevant degree or training


o*net interests

Welcome to the O*NET Interest Profiler!

The O*NET Interest Profiler can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work. You can find out what you like to do.

The O*NET Interest Profiler helps you decide what kinds of careers you might want to explore.


keirsey temperment


The Keirsey Temperament Sorter®-II (KTS®-II) is the most widely used personality instrument in the world. It is a powerful 70 question personality instrument that helps individuals discover their personality type. The KTS-II is based on Keirsey Temperament Theory™, published in the best selling books, Please Understand Me® and Please Understand Me II, by Dr. David Keirsey.


barrett value 

Find out what is important to you by taking a Personal Values Assessment. 

Who you are, what you hold dear, what upsets you, and what underlies your decisions, are all connected to your personal values.

Your values reflect what is important to you. They are a shorthand way of describing your motivations. Together with your beliefs, they are the causal factors that drive your decision-making.

The Personal Values Assessment is a simple survey that takes just a few minutes of your time and provides a wealth of information about why you do what you do.



 Are you a Preserver, a Responder, a Theorist or an Empath? Discover your fundamental approach to the world around you and unlock the secrets of your temperament type. Temperament is a key component of personality, first described by David Keirsey and based on the theories of Isabel Briggs Myers. Your temperament type helps you to understand your values, your motivations, and how you appear to others. So which of the four temperaments are you? Take this test to discover your temperament type.



Explore your personality type with several of our popular TypeFinder® series by clicking the link below! These assessments are based on the theory of sixteen personality types originally developed by Isabel Briggs Myers.

The original TypeFinder assessment is designed to quickly and accurately determine your personality type according to the Briggs Myers theory. If you're not ready to take the full TypeFinder, we also offer some shorter tests to help you explore your personality type.


Analytical reasoning

You're you a good problem solver? How well can you scrutinize a situation in order to break it down and solve the associated problems? Are you able to take a complicated issue and identify what is important and what information should be ignored? Analytical reasoning skills are important in both our personal and professional lives, as they are an essential part of solving the problems we encounter in our everyday life.t makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...


anger management

How well do you manage anger? Do you have difficulty controlling your temper? Does your anger come out in unhealthy ways that could hurt others as well as yourself? Anger is a powerful emotion that can lead to serious problems in your relationships and career if left unbridled. Learn more about your ability to manage it by taking this anger management test. It's designed to evaluate the manner in which you approach and handle anger-inducing situations.


anger abridge testing

Is your temper under control? Do you have difficulty controlling your temper? Does your anger come out in unhealthy ways that could hurt others as well as yourself? Anger is a powerful emotion that can lead to serious problems in your relationships and career if left unbridled. Learn more about your ability to manage it by taking this anger test. It's designed to evaluate the manner in which you approach and handle anger-inducing situations.


arguing sytles

Is your arguing style impacts your relationships. This test is designed to evaluate the arguing style you use when you fight with the people you care about. Arguing is an indication of wanting to communicate something, usually something close to one's heart. While many issues can be resolved through peaceful discussion, other conflicts can provoke anger, defensiveness, resentment and other strong emotions. Thankfully, everyone can learn how to communicate and solve conflicts efficiently in order to achieve mutual understanding, fulfillment and deep intimacy. 


anxiety testing

Do stress and anxiety interfere with your life? Everybody worries or gets the odd case of butterflies in the stomach. But are you missing out on opportunities and happiness because of fears and worries? Is anxiety interfering with your life? While moderate anxiety can be limiting, severe anxiety can be crippling. Anxiety currently afflicts more than 20 million Americans, making it the most common mental illness in the US. Find out if you're too anxious with this anxiety test. 


assertiveness testing

Do you stand up for yourself? Are you a human doormat? Do you say "yes" when you mean "no"? Do you keep your opinions to yourself for fear of upsetting or starting an argument with others? Find out if you stand up for yourself as much as you should with this test.


Assertiveness is the ability to formulate and communicate one's own thoughts, opinions and wishes in a clear, direct and non-aggressive way. This test determines whether a lack of assertiveness skills may be keeping you from fulfilling your potential and reaching your goals


career aptitude testing

Find a career that suites your personality.  Tired of running the rat race in a job you don't enjoy? Wondering which career is best matched to you? Try a Career Personality & Aptitude Test. This tool is designed to assess your interests, values, and preferences surrounding your career. It will offer you an interesting look at yourself, providing information about what motivates and interests you. In addition, it will provide suggestions of particular careers that are well-suited to you, along with some information about these careers.

iq eq.jpeg

emotional intelligence

For decades, a lot of emphasis has been put on certain aspects of intelligence such as logical reasoning, math skills, spatial skills, understanding analogies, verbal skills etc. Researchers were puzzled by the fact that while IQ could predict to a significant degree academic performance and, to some degree, professional and personal success, there was something missing in the equation. Some of those with fabulous IQ scores were doing poorly in life; one could say that they were wasting their potential by thinking, behaving and communicating in a way that hindered their chances to succeed.



"Great leaders make it a habit to respond in ways that generate the outcomes they want, even during extremely tough experiences or events seemingly beyond their control."- Jack Canfield

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